Booking with Expressions

It is advisable to book your date with Expressions as soon as possible as I generally only take a couple of weddings per day. Simply fill in the booking form below. I will then confirm your booking; if date is available. You are welcome to a short no obligation consultation before you book if you want any advice.  After booking, you can arrange your free consultation at any time. I would suggest that the best time is about three months before the wedding when you have your final numbers and details settled, however I do hold consulatation days throughout the year. During the consultation I will work with you to create beautiful designs especially for your big day.Throughout your planning I will always be on hand to help with any queries or questions, so please feel free to contact me by e-mail or phone.

Looking forward to hearing from you.


To book simply fill in the form...

Please Note: All boxes are madatory, apart from 'Your Landline' and 'Wedding Time'

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